Wheels + Tyres

Tyres in good condition can mean the difference between a close call and an accident. Your vehicle’s wheels and tyres are a crucial part of the safety of your car and also play a role in your overall driving experience.

Our Service Pro mechanics are highly trained to safely assess your vehicle’s wheels and tyres. We use quality tyres and top machinery to get you and your vehicle back on the road.

Your Wheels + Tyres Repair

Your wheels and tyres are fundamental parts of your car. They grip you to the road, assist you in maneuvering and play an important role in stopping safely.

Service Pro’s highly trained mechanics are the best choice for servicing your wheels and tyres.  Balancing, alignment and rotating your tyres can give you the best value from them. When they need replacing our expert team can fit and balance the best suited option from our range of quality tyres.

If  your vehicle is pulling to one side when driving, then it is time for a wheel alignment. Wheel alignments are a crucial part of keeping you safe on the road and prolonging the life of your tyres.